Sidebar navigation
- American Football
- Archery
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Boxing
- Cheerleading
- Climbing
- Cricket
- Dance
- Dodgeball
- Equestrian
- Fencing
- Futsal
- Golf
- Gymnastics and Trampolining
- Handball
- Hockey
- Lacrosse
- Men's Football
- Men's Rugby
- Netball
- Rowing
- Sailing
- Snow Sports
- Squash
- Swimming and Water Polo
- Table Tennis
- Taekwondo and Karate
- Tennis
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Volleyball
- Women's Football
- Women's Rugby

Handball Club
Handball is a fast-paced indoor sport popular across the world
Handball is a fast-paced, indoor, team sport which is popular across the world. We play and train in St Paul's sports hall twice a week and compete in regular competitions.
Our club won the silver medal in BUCS 20/21 and the silver medal in England Handball 19/20... Join us as we push for gold medals.
Get your sports club membership
With a one-off payment for the full year.
Please note for some compete memberships you need to be selected for the team. Check with the club first as to which membership type to purchase.
Club membership - 2024/25
- Half-year Membership: £47.50
Full Handball Club Membership, covering training, competition entry & equipment.
Training Sessions
- Tuesday 5.00pm-6.00pm at Ravelin Sports Centre
- Wednesday 6.30am-9.00am at Ravelin Sports Centre
- Saturday 2.30pm-4.00pm St Pauls
Regular BUCS competitions against other university clubs, hosted in Ravelin Sports Centre and at other universities.

Play Memberships
Lots of our Team UOP Sports Clubs offer Play Memberships, a more casual way to play without committing to a year membership. Most Play Memberships are £32.50 for semester 2 (with some exceptions).
The sports included are:
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Boxing
- Cheerleading
- Climbing
- Cricket (Women's)
- Dodgeball
- Fencing
- Rowing (Indoor)
- Sailing
- Squash
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Volleyball
LGBTQ+ sports club guidance
We welcome all students to take part in non-competitive sports and we recognise the health and wellbeing benefits of being active. Competitive sports are bound by specific policies governed by the sport's National Governing Body which may be less inclusive. Please find below inclusion guidance for our club.
Mixed-gender Club | Trans-gender Club | Non-binary Club | Gender-queer Club |
Yes | Partially | Partially | Partially |
Can compete in Male or Female tournaments hosted by BUCS. | Lack of clarity on participation. Individuals who need support are advised to contact BUCS and TeamUOP@port.ac.uk. Anyone can attend weekly Play sessions without disclosing their assigned gender at birth. |
Play: Yes - anyone can take part in our Play sessions if you hold the relevant membership.
Train: Inclusivity dependant - individuals would have to train for competitions linked to their assigned gender at birth.
Compete: Inclusivity dependant - individuals would have to train for competitions linked to their assigned gender at birth.