Sidebar navigation
- American Football
- Archery
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Boxing
- Cheerleading
- Climbing
- Cricket
- Dance
- Dodgeball
- Equestrian
- Fencing
- Futsal
- Golf
- Gymnastics and Trampolining
- Handball
- Hockey
- Lacrosse
- Men's Football
- Men's Rugby
- Netball
- Rowing
- Sailing
- Snow Sports
- Squash
- Swimming and Water Polo
- Table Tennis
- Taekwondo and Karate
- Tennis
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Volleyball
- Women's Football
- Women's Rugby

Equestrian Club
The Equestrian Club is where you can find your fix of all things horsey.
The Equestrian Club is where you can find your fix of all things horsey, whether you choose to focus on growing and developing your skills during our riding lessons or decide to give competing a go. We can help you develop new skills all while meeting friendly and like-minded people.
We can offer you tailored lessons at amazing prices in both flat and jump as well as hacking and gymkhanas.
Our competition teams trial once a year where we look for riders who can compete for the University within BUCS leagues.
As well as all these riding opportunities our committee arrange regular socials ranging from themed Wednesday nights out to meals out, bowling, and trips to events such as Goodwood Races and Windsor Horse Show. There is always something for everyone.
Get your sports club membership
With a one-off payment for the full year.
Please note for some compete memberships you need to be selected for the team. Check with the club first as to which membership type to purchase.
Club membership - 2024/25
Please note that the stables we use have a strict 13st weight limit for all club members, for animal welfare purposes.
- Half-year Membership: £47.50
Equestrian Club Membership, covering insurance & competition entry for selected competitive & development riders. Training costs are not included.
Training sessions
- Club training bi-weekly at Fort Widley
- BUCS training weekly at Gleneagles
Competitions will take place throughout the course of the year at various locations. We work around students' timetables to ensure you can attend competitions.

Play Memberships
Lots of our Team UOP Sports Clubs offer Play Memberships, a more casual way to play without committing to a year membership. Most Play Memberships are £32.50 for semester 2 (with some exceptions).
The sports included are:
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Boxing
- Cheerleading
- Climbing
- Cricket (Women's)
- Dodgeball
- Fencing
- Rowing (Indoor)
- Sailing
- Squash
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Volleyball
LGBTQ+ sports club guidance
We welcome all students to take part in non-competitive sports and we recognise the health and wellbeing benefits of being active. Competitive sports are bound by specific policies governed by the sport's National Governing Body which may be less inclusive. Please find below inclusion guidance for our club.
Mixed-gender Club | Trans-gender Club | Non-binary Club | Gender-queer Club |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Play: Equestrian is not included in the ‘Play’ programme but as an inclusive club anyone can Train and Compete with them.
Train: Fully Inclusive
Compete: Fully Inclusive
Check out the full guidance on britishvaulting.org.