Ravelin Opening Photography
UOP Internal Use Only

Find out what it means for your membership, services and activities for August 2024 - July 2025.

1 July 2024

3 minutes

As of Thursday 1 August, in line with our financial year, the prices across many services, activities and memberships will be increasing at Ravelin Sports Centre.

Ravelin Sports Centre membership prices across our service will be increasing by a minimum of £1.00 and a maximum of £3.00 per month. Prices will also increase across our other services for pay-and-play activities, courses and personal training - these will be viewable online from 1 August.

Increased membership pricing


  • Core - £16.99 per month
  • Super - £21.99 per month
  • Ultimate - £24.99 per month


  • Core - £30.99 per month
  • Super - £35.99 per month
  • Ultimate - £41.99 per month


  • Core - £35.99 per month
  • Super - £41.99 per month
  • Ultimate - £45.99 per month


  • Core - £41.99 per month
  • Super - £45.99 per month
  • Ultimate - £49.99 per month

We believe our memberships, services and activities continue to offer great value. Our memberships are still the most cost-effective way to boost your physical and mental health. We’re committed to offering competitive pricing and will not charge a joining fee.

Our annual memberships will be returning to a length of 12 months instead of the 14 months we operated last year. Our annual memberships will still benefit from 2 months free when purchased in advance, so you’ll get 12 months access and pay for only 10 months.

We understand in the current climate that price increases no matter how small may affect some users. We really hope you see the value in still continuing with us at Ravelin Sports Centre but if the price increase is prohibitive for you, you can cancel your membership before the price change takes place. Please complete the Customer Support form before the changes come into place on 1 August.

The current prices are still in place until 31 July and you can still take advantage of the current prices until that time.