Welfare and Health & Safety Policy
Executive Summary
This policy sets out the welfare support available to Team UoP members, the standards expected by Team UoP to have a ‘Fitness to Play’ and the steps taken within Health & Safety to ensure the necessary levels of risk mitigation.
To discuss this further please contact (Sports Development Officer - Student Experience)
1. Welfare Support
1.1 Recognising the impact sport has on physical and mental wellbeing is at the forefront of our welfare agenda. Team UoP works closely with the University’s Student Wellbeing Service, allowing students to access necessary support services. Encouraging an open and inclusive environment for our club members, taking proactive measures to have a positive impact on student welfare within clubs, providing wellbeing guidance, mediation provision, training/education and supporting the disciplinary process in relation to student welfare.
1.1.1 Our 3 agenda areas cover:
1) Health (physical and mental health)
2) Issues (club culture, disciplinaries, mediation, problem/conflict resolution)
3) Education (committee training, general awareness of wellbeing areas)
For more information on how to report a concern for welfare or to access the resources available to support your welfare, please visit our Help and Advice site:
2. Fitness to Play
2.1 By having Fitness to Play, Team UoP members understand that certain standards are expected to be adhered to when attending Team UoP training sessions, University organised competitions, events and BUCS events.
2.2 Grounds for concern about a student’s fitness to play may include, but not be restricted to, the following:
The student poses a risk to his/her own health, safety and/or wellbeing and/or that of other person
The student’s behaviour is, or is at risk of, negatively affecting the experience of others in Team UoP
The student’s behaviour is, or is at risk of, negatively affecting the day-to-day activities of the University
2.3 Concerns about a student’s fitness to play may be raised by students, staff or by a third party. Examples of concerns include mental health issues, bullying and harassment, homophobia and racism. Fitness to play concerns also include no use of alcohol or drugs either before or during Team UoP training sessions, Campus Sport or BUCS fixtures, and all other University events when competing such as Varsity.
2.4 Every young person should have the opportunity to develop their education alongside their sporting and other interests, to gain qualifications and enjoy a more well-rounded approach to life.
2.5 If a concern for fitness to play is reported to Team UoP staff members, they will investigate the concern and will work with the student to find a resolution. Team UoP staff have the right to stop students training with, playing for/representing their club, being on Committee or Sports Exec or being a member of Team UoP whilst they have concerns regarding the fitness to play.
3. Scholarships
3.1 Students who are part of our Sports Scholar programme are eligible for support to help maximise their sporting potential, whilst studying at the University of Portsmouth. This support includes free access to Sport and Recreation facilities with a free gym membership, alongside mentoring and welfare support from professional staff.
4. Health and Safety
4.1 Health, safety and wellbeing are essential to the realisation of the University’s strategy, sharing and applying knowledge to make a difference to individuals and society. The University of Portsmouth will, in accordance with relevant legislation, statutory requirements and good practice, ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of staff, students, visitors and members of the general public who may be affected by the University’s activities, so far as is reasonably practicable. The full statement is here.
4.2 The University considers that a strong health, safety and wellbeing culture, together with a safe and secure environment are fundamental to its success. To achieve this, the University will identify all significant hazards that may arise through the activities of Team UoP, to institute effective control measures through risk assessments for all activities and environments. You can access our risk assessments here.
5.0 Brain Injury and Concussion
5.1 Recognised as one of the UK’s leading concussion awareness and education resources, the RFU’s HEADCASE programme aims to increase understanding and provide information on concussion and other related topics, including how to prevent and manage suspected concussions. The RFU offer free training modules which you can access here.
6.0 First Aid
6.1 The Department of Sport and Recreation have qualified first aiders working across the 3 sports facilities: St Pauls Gym, Spinnaker Sports Centre and Langstone Sports Site.
6.2 Additionally, the University provides free first aid courses for members of Team UoP to ensure first aid treatment can be given when clubs are playing away games or abroad, alongside the first aid provided by those away club University facilities.
7.0 Emergency Process
7.1 If you have an issue when you are either at an away fixture or abroad, please see the guidance here. The out of hours phone number is 07734978128.
8.0 Incident Reporting
8.1 All accidents, injuries, near misses, incidents and dangerous occurrences should be reported to the University’s Health and Safety Office, using a HS1 form. This is to ensure all information is retained by H&S Office for recording, statistical and investigation purposes.
8.2 If you are at a University of Portsmouth sports facility:
A member of staff will complete the HS1 form with you and report it to the department’s Health & Safety Co-ordinator who will then liaise with the Health and Safety Office.
8.3 If you are representing Team UoP elsewhere:
A member of your club from Team UoP must complete the injury or near miss form and leave it in the dedicated box within Spinnaker Sports Centre. If you are unsure of what to do, please ask a member of staff to help you. You can access the form here.
9.0 Insurance
9.1 Our insurance policies cover a wide range of activities conducted at the University of Portsmouth. The University purchases Employers Liability, Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and Third Party Hirer’s insurance which ensures the wide range of student and staff activity is covered.
9.2 Team UoP members are also covered by an additional personal accident insurance, this is only for full paying members of Team UoP.
9.3 If you take part in Team UoP activity but have not paid your membership fee, you are not covered by the University’s insurance policies. This personal accident insurance covers Team UoP members specifically when participating in sport and is there to protect you if injured when representing Team UoP. You can see the policy details on our Help and Advice site: